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Low Fibre Diet

Breads and Cereals

  • Choose: White bread, cakes and biscuits made with white flour. White rice and pasta. Processed breakfast cereals such as Rice Bubbles, Corn Flakes and Semolina.
  • Avoid: Wholemeal (brown), grain or specialty breads, biscuits made with brown flour or with fruit and nuts. Brown rice. Breakfast cereals such as oat bran, bran flakes, muesli, unprocessed bran or any containing fruit or nuts.

Fruit and Vegetables

Ensure all vegetables are peeled and well cooked.

Ensure all fruit is peeled and de seeded.

  • Choose: Potatoes, pumpkin, squash, zucchini and asparagus tips. Ripe banana, apples, peaches, nectarines, pears and rockmelon.
  • Avoid: All other fruits and vegetables – No dried fruits or nuts.

Dairy Products

  • Choose: All varieties of milk, plain yoghurt, cottage and plain block cheeses. Butter and margarine. Vanilla ice-cream, plain custard and plain chocolate.
  • Avoid: Cheeses which have added ingredients such as peppercorns, chives and fruit. Dairy products containing dried fruit, nuts, coconut or chunky fruit pieces.

Protein Foods

  • Choose: Beef, lamb, veal, pork, fish, chicken, eggs and tofu.
  •  Avoid: Hamburger mince, lasagne, bolognaise sauces, savoury mince and generally any meat dishes which have vegetables or fillers. Lentils, legumes, baked beans or any other beans. Nuts and seeds.


  • Choose: Tea, coffee, water, plain milk drinks, soft drinks, strained fruit juices e.g. Poppers. (alcohol is allowed if desired).
  • Avoid: Unstrained fruit juices, flavoured milk shakes.

Miscellaneous Items

  • Choose: Light coloured jellies, sugar, honey, vegemite (promite etc.), plain mayonnaise, oils and salt.
  • Avoid: Pies, quiches, pastry foods, jams, marmalade, peanut paste, dried fruit and nuts, pepper, dried herbs, chutney and pickles.